Our Hispanic Ministry is dedicated to glorifying and promoting
the life of Jesus Christ through the Church of the Nazarene, focusing our efforts throughout our Hispanic Ministry. We accomplish this mission by fostering the development of a culture of our Hispanic congregations.
Our greatest wish is to be part of the church planting
movement at this very significant moment in the life of the church. It is our goal to help our Hispanic community aware of our Hispanic church.
Pray for your Hispanic brothers and sisters!
Hispanic Services
Sunday School 2:00 p.m.
Worship Services 3:00 p.m.
Pastora Rosalia and Hector
Pastora Rosalia and Hector Rodriquez have been a part of the Nazarene church for 10 years. They have lived in North Dakota for 13 years and have 8 children.
Rosalia has been a licensed minister for 4 years but her love of God has been her whole life. There passion is to bring souls to Christ and find hope and love in God.
Tithe & Offering
Primera Iglesia family and friends, if you wish you may donate your tithe and offering online.
Facebook & Igleisa Events
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Click the button, fill out the form and someone will contact you soon.
All are welcome!
Primera Iglesia del Nazareno Photo Gallery
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